Completed ANR projects

Project MIFASOL : Effet de la Microstructure Induite par Fabrication Additive sous Sollicitation

Scientific manager for GPM: Benoît VIEILLE

Beneficiary: CNRS

Start and end dates: 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2024

Funding: LABEX EMC3 (ANR) + Région Normandie

Budget: 59 500 € Région Normandie + 97 700 € ANR (157 200 €)

Project description: MIFASOL aims to study the effect of the microstructure induced by additive manufacturing on the stress in irradiation and the fracture mechanisms under deformation. A first thesis will focus on the structural and microstructural modifications induced by irradiation and a second thesis will focus on studying the fracture behavior. In both cases the material studied will be a Ni20Cr alloy and various initial microstructures will be explored (different manufacturing by additive synthesis as well as a Ni20Cr synthesized by conventional metallurgy). Corrosion measurements, on initial material but also on irradiated or deformed material, will complete this study.

Laboratories and people involved in the project:

GPM : B. Vieille, R. Henry, C. Pareige, B. Radiguet

CIMAP (Caen) : I. Monnet, A. Dujarrier


Project HERIA : Alliages à forte entropie résistant à l'irradiation

Scientific manager for GPM: Bertrand RADIGUET

Beneficiairy: CNRS

Start and end dates: 01/10/2019 - 30/04/2024

Funding: ANR

Convention number : ANR-19-CE08-0012

Budget: 116 964 €

Project description: The scientific objectives of the HERIA project focus on: (i) the in-depth analysis and understanding of the irradiation mechanisms and behavior of HEA (High Entropy Alloys) matrices, at the atomic and microscopic level, with a view to confirming their improved irradiation resistance; (ii) the application and improvement of existing alloy design methods to the case of CCAs (Complex Concentrated Alloys).

Laboratories and people involved in the project:

CSNSM (Orsay)
GPM : B. Radiguet, C. Pareige, A. Etienne, R. Henry, P.-A. Goujon
IMN (Nantes)
DMN CEA (Saclay)
ARMINES (SMS) (project coordinator)
Framatome (Fuel)
APERAM Stainless France / Centre de Recherche


Project RESIRAN : RESistance à l'IRradiation d'Aciers austénitiques Nanostructurés

Scientific manager for GPM: Auriane ETIENNE

Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie

Start and end dates: 08/04/2022 - 07/04/2024

Funding: Carnot ESP - ANR

Budget: 134 700 €

Project description du projet : The RESIRAN project aims to evaluate the stability of the microstructure (atome probe tomography, electron microscopy) and the mechanical properties (tensile tests) of a nanostructured austenitic stainless steel irradiated with neutrons at several fluences, in order to confirm or not the potential of this type of materials, to better understand the mechanisms governing their aging under irradiation and to correlate the evolution of the microstructures with that of the mechanical properties.

Laboratories and people involved in the project:

GPM : A. Etienne (project coordinator), B. Radiguet, S. Rouland, X. Sauvage, F. Habiyaremye

EDF MMC : J. Vidal

CEA SEMI : B. Tanguy


Project REDI: Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion in Insulators

Scientific manager for GPM: Bertrand RADIGUET

Beneficiairy: CNRS

Start and end dates: 09/02/2017 - 07/07/2018

Funding: LABEX EMC3 (ANR)

Convention number: ANR-10-LABX-09

Budget: 20 100 €