Dual Beam Microscope
HELIOS Nanolab650
Scientific head : Benoit Arnal
Columns :
- Magellan electronic column
- Tomawak ion column
Gun :
- Magellan electronic column : Schottky field emission Gun
- Tomahawak ion column : Ga LMIS (Liquid Metal Ion Source)
Résolution :
- Magellan electronic column : 0.8 nm at 15 kV and 1.5 nm at 200 V
- Tomahawak ion column : > 4.5 nm at 30 kV
Voltage :
- Magellan electronic column : de 20 V à 30 kV
- Tomahawak ion column : de 500 V à 30 kV
Current :
- Magellan electronic column : 0.6 pA to 26 nA
- Tomahawak ion column : de 1.1 pA à 65 nA
Detectors :
- ETD (EverHart - Thornley detector)
- TLD (Through lens detector)
- CBS (concentric backscattered electron)
- ICE (Secondary ion/electron detector)
Gas injection system :
- Deposition of platinium
- Tungsten
- Carbon
Nanmanipulator : Omniprobe 100.7
Electron Back Scattering Diffraction detector : Bruker de type CrystAlign
Accessories :
- Piezo stage
- Plasma cleaner
- Charge neutralizer for non-conductive samples