Centre de recherche sur les Ions, les MAtériaux et la Photonique
Laboratory Director: Isabelle Monnet
Laboratory presentation:
The CIMAP, created in early 2008 is a mixed research unity of the CEA, the CNRS, the ENSICAEN and the Université de Caen. It's a multidisciplinary research laboratory whose scientific objectives relate to excited material and defects on one hand and on materials and optics on the other.
The CIMAP activities are based upon three missions:
- Its research activity in the areas:
- The interaction ion-material and relaxation excited materials
- Defects in materials
- The materials for lasers, photonic and electronic
- Its interdisciplinary researches activity near beam of large national heavy ion accelerator (GANIL)
- Its teaching activity
The CIMAP is part of consortium of GENESIS project, for future investments equipex.
As part of GENESIS, the CIMAP use several instruments: the X-ray diffractometer, the FIB-SEM, the ARM 200F and the EELS.