Completed "Région Normandie" - ERDF projects
Project FusionSATMET : Fusion de la Sonde Atomique Tomographique et de la Microscopie Electronique en Transmission.
Scientific manager for GPM: Williams LEFEBVRE.
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: 01/12/2021 au 30/11/2024.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF and Région Normandie.
Convention number: 21E05859/00130303
Budget: 259 200 € ERDF / 172 800 € REGION.
Project description: The Fusion SATMET project aims to provide a very high-resolution materials analysis method that is easy to disseminate across research or analysis laboratories around the world. The approach is based on the miniaturization of tomographic atom probes (SAT) designed at the Materials Physics Group with the aim of being able to use this technique on transmission electron microscopes.
People involved in the project: A. Normand, C. Castro, F. Vurpillot, G. Da Costa, W. Lefebvre, Postodocs.
Projet Winning Normandy DSAMSS : Determining the suitable of Additive Manufacturing to produce stainless steel components for use in the nuclear industry
Scientific manager for GPM :
Start and end dates:
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF and Région Normandie.
Convention number: 101034329
People involved in the project: B. Jenkins, B. Radiguet, C. Pareige, P. Pareige, A. Etienne
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101034329. Recipient of the WINNINGNormandy Program supported by the Normandy Region
Project PEURN (HYDROMEB) : Microscope à balayage FIB-Ga Cryo
Scientific manager for GPM: Etienne TALBOT
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/07/2022 au 30/06/2023.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie.
Convention number : 00127130-22E03422.
Budget: 2 000 000 € ERDF.
Project description: The HYDROMEB (PEURN) project consists of acquiring a latest generation MEB/FIB Gallium to exploit the full potential of the nano-analysis platform. This microscope allows us to continue and develop preparation techniques on specific sites, in connection with our cryo-transfer chains, in order to carry out SAT analyses in optimal conditions to quantify and locate hydrogen, in correlation with the physical properties of these materials.
People involved in the project: A. Etienne, E. Cadel, F. Cuvilly, X. Sauvage, E. Talbot & people involved in GENESIS platform
Project PEURN (SAT-UP) : Upgrade du LEAP 4000HR en 5000XS
Scientific manager for GPM: Gérald DA COSTA
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: from 01/07/2022 to 30/06/2023.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie.
Convention number: 00127130-22E03422.
Budget: 3 100 000 € ERDF
Project description: The SAT UP (PEURN) project consists of improving the LEAP 4000HR atomic probe of the GENESIS platform to a latest generation LEAP 5000 XS model to enable the analysis of materials of technological interest in 3D and at the atomic scale with a detection efficiency of 80%.
People involved in the project: A. Etienne, I. Blum, G. Da Costa, X. Sauvage & people involved in GENESIS plateform.
Project GENESIS + : Mise à niveau de la sonde atomique de la plateforme GENESIS pour l’analyse des matériaux radioactifs.
Scientific manager for GPM: Cristelle PAREIGE.
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/09/2021 au 31/12/2022.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie.
Convention number: 21E03574.
Budget: 1 784 268 € ERDF
Project description: The GENESIS+ project consists of upgrading the LEAP 4000 X HR acquired as part of the EQUIPEX GENESIS into the LEAP 5000 X HR. The LEAP 5000 X HR makes it possible to study and understand the mechanisms behind the ageing of nuclear materials, such as the embrittlement of structural materials (e.g. tank steel or the primary cooling circuit) or the phenomena contributing to the rupture of certain components of the internal structures of reactors by stress corrosion assisted by irradiation.
People involved in the project: A. Etienne, C. Pareige, G. Da Costa, I. Blum, P. Pareige, X. Sauvage.
Project CATHY: Influence de la Fraction Amorphe Rigide sur les propriétés Mécaniques et physiques des polymères semi-cristallins : contexte aéronautique.
Scientific manager for GPM: Xavier SAUVAGE.
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/06/2019 au 31/05/2022.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie and French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation through the State-Regions Interregional Plan Contract (CPIER).
Convention number: 19P01951/2019-CPIER CATHY.
Budget: 400 000 € ERDF/ 400 000 € CPIER.
Project description: The Normandy Region launched its “Normandy Hydrogen” plan (September 2018) with the main objectives of contributing to the development of the energy mix, reducing the regional carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. In this spirit, the Cathy project aims to extend the areas of investigation of the GENESIS platform by developing the means of analysis dedicated in particular to catalysis, the storage of hydrogen in solid form by the formation of stable hydrides but also the embrittlement of materials by hydrogen necessary for these developments. A particular effort is placed on the in-situ characterization of reactions, i.e. their monitoring by real-time imaging. To achieve these objectives, a latest-generation object holder was acquired in order to confine the samples in a closed and controlled environment inside the high-resolution transmission electron microscope of the GENESIS platform. This object holder is associated with a gas supply and temperature control system, as well as a spectrometer allowing the analysis of reaction products in real time. In order to monitor reactions with an appropriate temporal resolution, up to one hundred images per second, a latest-generation ultra-fast camera has also been integrated into the microscope. And finally, a sample preparation device using a focused ion beam completes the set. Thanks to this new equipment, new scientific work will focus on: the study of the mechanisms of hydride formation in materials developed for the storage of hydrogen in solid form; the in-situ study of catalytic reactions at the atomic scale, particularly in the field of zeolites; the in-situ study of crystalline defects and their interaction with hydrogen, in particular to understand the embrittlement mechanisms induced by H2.
People involved in the project: Simono Moldovan, Xavier Sauvage and people involved in GENESIS platforme.
Project CATHY-2: Catalyse et Hydrogène, observation in-situ à l’échelle atomique des réactions-2.
Scientific manager for GPM: Lorenzo RIGUTTI
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/09/2020 au 31/12/2022.
Financeur(s) : European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie and French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation through the State-Regional Plan Contract (CPER) and the State-Regions Interregional Plan Contract (CPIER).
Convention number: 20E02318/172-2020-13/2020-CPIER CATHY-2.
Budget: 352 500 € ERDF / 52 500 € CPER / 300 000 € CPIER.
Project description: The CATHY-2 project aims to equip the GENESIS platform with complementary technologies for high-resolution "in-situ" transmission electron microscopy in a temperature-controlled gas environment. The implementation of a new detection system, including the measurement of the photoluminescence emitted by the sample, and a laser allowing controlled evaporation on the tomographic atom probe for the "hydrogen" problem represents a major innovation in the field. This operation will therefore further strengthen the GPM's global leadership in the development of the technique. This set will constitute the GENESIS platform of tomorrow with capabilities at the international level and unique in Europe. The integration and complementarity of these means of investigation at the atomic scale are a strong innovative feature, making it possible to place Normandy in a position of world leader in the field of correlative microscopy and in situ microscopy. These investments in the GENESIS platform will thus make it possible to carry out experiments at the very top of the world scale, and for some absolutely unique (atomic probe in particular). From a scientific point of view, the expected advances are a detailed understanding of the mechanisms controlling the diffusion of hydrogen, but also trapping by crystal defects, key points for the development of new materials less sensitive to embrittlement. Furthermore, the observation at the nanometric scale of reactions with hydrogen in candidate materials for storage in solid form should allow us to rethink their design, which is currently based mainly on thermodynamic considerations, neglecting many kinetic aspects related to the diffusion and mobility of interfaces.
People involved in the project: J. Houard, L. Rigutti, S. Moldovan, X. Sauvage.
Project SAT MET : Implémentation d’une SAT sur un MET pour plateforme GENESIS.
Scientific manager for GPM: Williams LEFEBVRE
Beneficiary: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/09/2021 au 31/12/2022.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF via Région Normandie.
Convention number: 21E03581.
Budget: 1 550 000 € ERDF
Project description: The SAT MET project consists of assembling in a single instrument an atomic probe (SAT) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM) in order to create a new instrument (e-SAT).
People involved in the project: A. Normand, C. Castro, F. Vurpillot, G. Da Costa, W. Lefebvre.
Project LAETICIA : Ligne d’Accélérateur d’Electrons pour le Traitement et l’Investigation en Conditions d’Irradiation Adaptée portant sur le phénomène d’irradiations des matériaux.
Scientific manager for GPM: Philippe PAREIGE.
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates: du 01/10/2018 au 30/09/2021.
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF and Région Normandie.
Convention number: 18P02052.
Budget: 162 000 € (ERDF), 243 000 € (REGION).
Project description: The project aims to develop an innovative means of electron irradiation under controlled temperature in order to study the evolution under irradiation of alloys of industrial interest. The possibility of irradiating these materials with electrons will advantageously complement the ongoing studies on materials irradiated with neutrons or ions. The irradiation microstructures will be studied at the appropriate scales using the GENESIS platform of the Materials Physics Group (electron microscopy and atom probe). The experimental results will be interpreted using numerical simulations at the same scales (Monte Carlo simulation) thanks to the support provided by EDF. The experimental characterizations coupled with the modeling will make it possible on the one hand to validate the efficiency of the irradiation device and on the other hand to understand the mechanisms at the origin of the evolution of the microstructures under irradiation.
People involved in the project: A. Etienne, C. Pareige, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, M. Labrskyi, A. Medvedev.
Partners: Université de Rouen Normandie (laboratory GPM, coordinator), EDF R&D.
Project SUPERMEN : De la SUrface au volume : Propriétés Et Relations avec la Micro Et la Nanostructure des alliages métalliques.
Scientific managers for GPM: Frederic DANOIX et Philippe PAREIGE.
Beneficiairy: Université de Rouen Normandie.
Start and end dates:
Du 01/10/2015 au 31/03/2019 (ERDF).
Du 01/09/2015 au 30/09/2018 (REGION).
Funding: European Union thanks to ERDF and Région Normandie.
Convention number: HN0002068/NC (REGION).
Budget: 645 317,49 € ERDF / 426 000 € REGION.
Project description: The SUPERMEN project aims to study the oxidation and/or corrosion of metallic materials, in order to characterize the surfaces. The notion of surface is rather poorly defined in materials science, its characterization can therefore take very different forms depending on the phenomena involved. In parallel with the microstructural and chemical characterization of surfaces (at different scales), the project also aims to be able to study the mechanical properties of surfaces, essential aspects when it comes to friction or contact parts, for example. Better understanding the relationships between the nanostructure and the mechanical behavior of metallic materials is a major challenge and an originality even at the European level.
People involved in the project: A. Barbier, A. Dahlström (PhD student), A. Guillet, A. Normand, B. Deconihout, B. Flipon (PhD student), B. Radiguet, C. Keller, C. Vaudlon, F. Barbe, F. Cuvilly, F. Danoix, F. Delaroche, F. Vurpillot, G. Da Costa, G. Zaher (PhD student), H. Zapolsky, I. Blum, J. Houard, J. Gupta (post-doc), J. Kasperek, L. Taleb, M. Brault, P. Pareige, R. Danoix, S. Jouen, X. Sauvage.
Partners: Université de Rouen Normandie (laboratoire GPM), CRT Analyse et Surface, Université du Havre (LOMC).