Transmission Electron Microscope
Technical managers: Simonan Moldovan and Auriane Etienne
The TEM ARM 200CF installed in 2015 at GENESIS - GPM Rouen was funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de recherche) in the framework of the program "Investissements d'Avenir" with reference "ANR-11-EQPX-0020"
An upgrade of the TEM ARM was performed in 2020 (acquisition of a CMOS camera RIO, a STEMx unit, a environmental gas specimen holder "Protochips Atmosphere") thanks to the project CATHY. The project CATHY has been co-funded by the European Union thanks to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Région Normandie. .
Technical characteristics
Electron gun: Cold-FEG Electron
Double corrected microscope: Probe corrector and Image corrcetor
Accelerating voltages: 80 kV - 120kV - 200kV
Pole piece: HR (High Resolution)
- EDX SDD Jeol Centurio (sold angle 1sr)
- GIF Quantum ER Gatan with HAADF, BF/DF detectors
- CMOS Camera RIO16
- Single tilt specimen holder - Jeol
- Double tilt analytical specimen holder (tilt +/-35° et +/- 30°) - Jeol
- Single tilt rotation specimen holder - GATAN
- Double tilt analytical low temperature specimen holder - GATAN 636
- Single tilt straining holder - GATAN 654
- Single tilt heating holder - GATAN
- 360° rotation tomography speciment holder - Fischione
- Environment gas specimen holder - Protochips Atmosphere
- Pumping station for specimen holders
- Ion cleaner