- 2012-2013 Post-doc at ISTO-Orléans: Electrical and atomic transport properties of the intergranular medium of partially molten oxide aggregates (ERC “Electrolith”)
- 2010-2012 Post-doc at CIMAP-Caen: Study of insulators under irradiation (FP7 project “SPIRIT”)
- 2007-2010 Post-doc at GFZ-Potsdam: Reaction-diffusion between oxides (DFG FOR741 “Nanoscale processes and geomaterial’s properties”)
- 2006-2007 Post-doc at LMTG-Toulouse: Synthesis and characterization of phyllosilicate particles (ERT “Géomatériaux”)
- 2002-2006 PhD student & part-time lecturer at LMTG-Toulouse / University of Toulouse: Experimental study of lead diffusion in Nd-monazite
- 2006 PhD in Mineral Physics, University of Toulouse. Thesis: “Lead diffusion in monazite” (supervised by JM Montel & O Jaoul)
- 2002 MSc in Earth Sciences and Environment, University of Toulouse
- 1998 Associate's Degree in Matter Sciences, University of Toulouse
- 2007 Haüy-Lacroix prize of the French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography
- 2015 Gardés E, Gaillard F, Tarits P. Comment to “High and highly anisotropic electrical conductivity of the asthenosphere due to hydrogen diffusion in olivine” by Dai and Karato [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 408 (2014) 79–86].Earth Planet Sci Lett 427:296-299
- 2015 Massuyeau M, Gardés E, Morizet Y, Gaillard F. A model for the activity of silica along the carbonatite–kimberlite–mellilitite–basanite melt compositional joint. Chem Geol, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.025
- 2014 Pérès B, Morel V, Bultel A, Benyagoub A, Monnet I, Gardés E, Godard G, Gobin C, Jouen C, Hideur A, Schneider I, Mezei Z. Experimental characterization of the excitation state of picosecond laser-induced Tungsten plasmas. J Phys Conf Ser 550:012047
- 2014 Gardés E, Gaillard F, Tarits P. Toward a unified hydrous olivine electical conductivity law. Geochem Geophys Geosyst 15:4984-5000
- 2014 Sifré D, Gardés E, Massuyeau M, Hashim L, Hier-Majumder S, Gaillard F. Electrical conductivity during incipient melting in the oceanic low-velocity zone. Nature 509:81-85
- 2013 Gardés E, Balanzat E, Ban-d’Etat B, Cassimi A, Durantel F, Grygiel C, Madi T, Monnet I, Ramillon JM, Ropars F, Lebius H. SPORT: A new sub-nanosecond time-resolved instrument to study swift heavy ion-beam induce luminescence– Application to luminescence degradation of a fast plastic scintillator. Nucl Instrum Meth B 297:39-43
- 2012 Joachim B, Wohlers A, Norberg N, Gardés E, Petrishcheva E, Abart R. Diffusion and solubility of hydrogen and water in periclase. Phys Chem Miner 40:19-27
- 2012 Gardés E, Wunder B, Marquardt K, Heinrich H. The effect of water on intergranular mass transport: new insights from diffusion-controlled reaction rims in the MgO-SiO2 system. Contrib Mineral Petr 164:1-16
- 2012 Joachim B, Gardés E, Velickov B, Abart R, Heinrich W. Experimental growth of diopside + merwinite reaction rims: The effect of water on microstructure development. Am Mineral 97:220-230
- 2011 Marquardt K, Petrishcheva E, Gardés E, Wirth R, Abart R, Heinrich W. Grain boundary and volume diffusion experiments in yttrium aluminum garnet bicrystals at 1723 K: A miniaturized study. Contrib Mineral Petr 162:739-749
- 2011 Joachim B, Gardés E, Abart R, Heinrich W. Experimental growth of åkermanite reaction rims between wollastonite and monticellite: evidence for volume diffusion control. Contrib Mineral Petr 162:389-399
- 2011 Gardés E, Heinrich W. Growth of multilayered polycrystalline reaction rims in the MgO-SiO2 system, Part II: Modelling. Contrib Mineral Petr 162:37-49
- 2011 Gardés E, Wunder B, Wirth R, Heinrich W. Growth of multilayered polycrystalline reaction rims in the MgO-SiO2 system, Part I: Experiments. Contrib Mineral Petr 161:1-12
- 2010 Marquardt K, Petrishcheva E, Abart R, Gardés E, Wirth R, Dohmen R, Becker HW, Heinrich W. Volume diffusion of Ytterbium in YAG: thin-film experiments and combined TEM-RBS analysis. Phys Chem Miner 37:751-760
- 2010 Martinez RE, Gardés E, Pokrovsky OS, Schott J, Oelkers EH. Do photosynthetic bacteria have a protective mechanism against carbonate precipitation at their surfaces? Geochim Cosmochim Ac 74:1329-1337
- 2009 Gardés E, Poumellec B. Multicomponent diffusion in a sublattice of an ionic crystal. Solid State Ionics 180:1133-1138
- 2009 Gardés E, Montel JM. Opening and resetting temperatures in heating geochronological systems. Contrib Mineral Petr 158:185-195
- 2007 Gardés E, Montel JM, Seydoux-Guillaume AM, Wirth R. Pb diffusion in monazite: New constrains from the experimental study of Pb2+ ↔ Ca2+ interdiffusion. Geochim Cosmochim Ac 71:4036-4043
- 2006 Gardés E, Jaoul O, Montel JM, Seydoux-Guillaume AM, Wirth R. Pb diffusion in monazite: An experimental study of Pb2+ + Th4+ ↔ 2Nd3+ interdiffusion. Geochim Cosmochim Ac 70:2325-2336
- Dumas A, Martin F, Gardés E, Le Roux C, Micoud P. Procédé de préparation d’une composition comprenant des particules minérales silicatées colorées et composition comprenant des particules minérales silicatées colorées. French patent application 12/59231 (CNRS / University of Toulouse)
- 2011 Dumas A, Martin F, Gardés E, Le Roux C, Micoud P. Procédé de préparation d’une composition talqueuse magnétique et composition magnétique. French patent application 11/04029 (CNRS / University of Toulouse)
- 2005 37 abstracts
- 2007 Co-supervision of PhD students:
-F. Durantel
-L. Hashim
-M. Massuyeau
-D. Sifré
-B. Joachim (Travel Grant of the European Mineralogical Union 2010 for the oral contribution at the EGU general assembly 2011, MRP Outstanding Student Paper Award at AGU Fall Meeting 2010 Paul Ramdohr prize 2010 of the German Society of Mineralogy)
-K. Marquardt
- 2007 Speaker in the PhD student’s course “Diffusion in geological
- 2002-2006 Part-time lecturer at the University of Toulouse