On-going ANR projects

Project HEIRMAX : Développement de phases MAX à haute entropie résistantes à l'irradiation

Scientific manager for GPM: Bertrand RADIGUET

Beneficiary: CNRS

Start and end dates: 08/01/2024 - 07/01/2028

Funding: ANR

Convention number: HEIRMAX - ANR-23-CE08-0005

Budget: 222 415.74 €

Project description: HEIRMAX project aims to develop and evaluate the mechanical properties and stability under irradiation of high entropy MAX phases.

Laboratories and people involved in the project:

GPM (coordinator) : B. Radiguet, A. Etienne, R. Henry, S. Rouland, C. Pareige, P. Pareige + PhD 1

Institut P' (Poitiers) : S. Dubois, P. Chartier, V. Gauthier-Brunet + PhD 2

LEM3 (Metz) : O. Bouaziz, A. Guitton, J. Guenole + PhD 3

IJC Lab (Orsay) : A. Gentils, S. Jublot-Leclerc, C. Baumier, C. Bachelet, J. Bourçois, S. Picard


Projet UTNIMAN: Understanding of the combined effect of irradiation temperature, Ni and Mn-contents in RPV steels

Scientifique manager for GPM : Bertrand RADIGUET

Beneficiary: CNRS

Start and end dates: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Funding: LABEX EMC3 (ANR)

Budget: 30 000 €

Convention number: 10-LABX-00099

Project description: The UTNIIMAN project aims to clarify the effect of Ni content (and its synergy with Mn) and the effect of irradiation temperature on the irradiation-induced microstructure of RPV steels.

People involved in the project: B. Radiguet, A. Duplessi
