Clara Grygiel
Research engineer CEA
Centre de Recherche sur les Ions,
les matériaux et la photonique
BP 5133 14 070 Caen Cedex 5, France
Phone : +33 (0) 2 31 45 49 34
@ : grygiel@ganil.fr
Work experiences
- 2010- Researcher CEA at CIMAP-CIRIL-GANIL, Caen France
- 2008-2010 Research associate for the Prof M.J Rosseinsky at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, financed by "Marie Curie Research Fellow" in the Initial Training Network SOPRANO
- 2008 PhD in Materials Sciences, Université de Caen, France, Multiscale study of the metal-insulator transition in V2O3 thin films, direction Dr W. Prellier at CRISMAT. Teacher at the University of Caen, France, in inorganic chemistry
- 2005 Master's degree in Materials Sciences, University of Caen, France, Intergrowth of cuprate and cobaltite by pulsed laser deposition, stabilization of a new phase CaCoOx, major of the promotion
Area of expertise
- Scientific expertise on the behaviour of inorganic materials under swift heavy ion irradiation, effects of electronic excitations, ion-matter interaction, oxide materials, structure-property correlations, structural properties of materials and electronic transport properties, surface nanostructuration.
- Experimental skills on irradiation technologies, structural studies (X-Ray diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy, Atom Probe Microscopy), optical UV-vis spectroscopy, in-situ characterizations, magneto-transport property measurements (resistivity, Hall effect).
Some scientific responsibilities
- CEA expert in the field of Materials, Solid State Physics and Semiconductors, specialized in Microstructures: Irradiation and Characterization of induced effects in Solids (2014-).
- Coordinator of IRRSUD beamline at GANIL facility (2012-).
- French coordinator of french-chinese scientific cooperation project PICS IiN (2014-2016).
- Co-supervisor of 2 PhD thesis (1 in progress, 1 defended), supervisor of 5 student’s training courses (1 M1 Physics, 2 IUT, 2 engineers).
- Participation to GENESIS Equipex, to ANR P2N PELIICAEN and international ANR SIISU.
- Member of CIMAP laboratory council (2014-).
- Co-chair of GSI-CIMAP workshop and irradiation workshop in 2011.
Scientific production
- 33 publications; 183 citations (163 without self citation); H factor = 6 (source: Web of Science)
- 3 invited conferences, 9 seminaries, 12 talks and 8 posters given in international scientific conferences and co-authors of more than 30 communications (talks or posters)